Thursday, September 9, 2010

Worth it

As I revise 'The Wielder' for the hundredth time, I stop now and then and consider--five years of work on one book and not done yet (well, five years off and on, plus a dozen other projects, including two other novels, two children, another job, and travel).

The point is, is it worth it? All this effort and time--why can't I let go of this one?

The funny part is that I've always considered myself a 'mystery writer'. YA fantasy, while fun to read, is not a genre I ever seriously considered. I didn't have a ton of experience (emphasis on DIDN'T) and mystery is my first love.

The reason 'The Wielder' is GOING to get done is because I have a deep-gut feeling that it must be worth it.

I wonder how many writers go through this. I've heard some edit and edit and finally discard the novel in progress, realizing it's a dead end. I've also heard of writers who spend their whole lives writing one book and never finish.

Oh, I hope I fall somewhere in between.

I guess what it comes down to is that I love this book. I love every single version its been through and it gets better every time. So, there you go--it's already worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Keep at it Laura. You're a fantastic writer and I know your hard work will pay off in the end.
