Sunday, February 14, 2010

Still Waiting

It hasn't been a month yet since the book went out and (of course) we're still waiting. It took me a few weeks to stop thinking about it constantly. Another few days after that before I could really feel the creative juices flowing. And now I've finally reached the point where I can enjoy writing again.

You know, I've read writers' accounts where they say "Just keep writing through the slumps!" or "write every day, even if you don't feel like it." That's fine, if that helps you.

That didn't work so well for me.

I write because I love to. In the weeks following the submission, I didn't love to anymore. I needed a break.

I did, however, do a lot of reading. I DO recommend that. Reading keeps your thoughts on the written word while allowing you to rest your brain.

I'm back to work now, but I'm working on other projects:
Three other novels ideas and the outline for Book 2

I'm excited to hear about The Wielder, but life goes on. I'd rather the Editors took their time and made a thoughtful decision about my book (even if it means rejection), than rushed through and rejected it without a decent reading.

The your time, Editors! I've got plenty!