Monday, July 25, 2011


One month ago (June 24th) my daughter, Audrey, finally joined our family and I took a month off everything. She's a great baby: sleeps pretty well, eats plenty, and watches the world through calm, interested blue eyes. We're all glad she's here--even our two-year-old!

My recovery, though slow, is progressing and the writing itch is gradually returning, but the lack of sleep and periodic illnesses in our house have kept it from taking full form. Much as I would like to bury myself in character and plot, I find my alone-time taken up with sleeping, eating, and the rarest of all blessings--showering!

Still, the itch must and will be satisfied soon. My other two children started letting me sleep at about four months old. With luck, Audrey will take a hint and follow their example, but I may not wait that long anyway. Sometimes, sleep or no sleep, you just have to write.

I'm not there yet. No.

But I will be soon.

In the meantime, I'll fill my days with cuddling Audrey and chasing my crazy boys around the house and backyard (gotta get back in shape somehow, right?), all while waiting to hear Stan's thoughts on the manuscript.

Yes, he's still reading it and I'm hoping to hear that he's ready to shop it around with publishers. Waiting and hoping--the fate of all would-be-published writers. Hmm. If I didn't have a baby to cuddle, I don't know if I could handle it just now.

Thankfully I do have my darling daughter and I can be patient. I can. I swear!

Yeah, right. :P