Thursday, October 28, 2010


I swear, sometimes it feels like everything is conspiring against my finishing this book! I'm so close--just an edit and a final read-through--another month at most.

So why is this sounding impossible?

Well, we've been trying to buy a house for over a year and we've put so many offers out there, I think I'd given up on ever finding anything. A month ago we put an offer in on one of our favorite houses, but I didn't think much of it. Imagine my surprise when it turns out we're looking at moving in around Thanksgiving weekend! One month away.

Added to that, my kids are both sick, I promised a friend of mine a baby shower in the next month or two, the holidays are coming, and there are other things I am not at liberty to discuss that might make everything a bit harder around here.

Well, humph! In spite of all these complicated, but very important things, I AM GOING to get this done. So there.

It's not that much, really. If I buckle down in the evenings, I can do it pretty quickly.

All right, so here's hoping my next entry announces the manuscript is on its way to Stan!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a busy couple of months ahead. Good luck and congratulations on your new house.
