Monday, November 15, 2010


Guess who just sent her manuscript to Stan, the 'Amazing Agent'? ME!!!

That's right. In spite of packing an entire apartment in two weeks, chasing two toddlers all over the place, minimal sleep, and various other complicating factors, I got it whipped into shape and sent it off only an hour ago!

Thanks to my fabulous readers (aka, Mom, Dad, and my brother) most of the slip-ups, grammatical errors, and story-holes have been taken care of. If I do say so myself, it's not bad.

Of course, it's not done yet. Stan has to read through and okay it. I still have to write a new synopsis and update my query and bio. It's all good. My husband and I decided years ago that we would celebrate every step in this process as we took it.

Sometimes celebrating means going out to dinner or getting a massage. Just at this moment, it means cuddling my boys on the couch and making chicken and fries for dinner. Whatever works, right?

Hooray for me!