Monday, June 28, 2010

Slow but Sure

You may notice I don't post entries very often. The sad reason for this is that a writer's life (at least the writing aspect of it) moves at a snail's pace. The truth is, I don't have a ton to update about.

It goes something like this: I write and edit (anywhere between ten minutes and two hours a day). I read (as often as possible--so fun!). I send copies of my work to my friendly readers and, eventually, my agent. Then I wait.

Oh, yes. That's the fun part. The waiting.

Still, I have other projects, ideas, outlines--that sort of thing. I keep busy, but for the individual project time drags.

So, my plan is to try to update this blog more often with little writing thoughts and tidbits.

For example...

I get a kick out of where I find inspiration. I got my latest idea from watching a little boy roar at a couple of little girls at the park the other day! Random. (And no, I'm not telling what the idea is--that's for my future readers to find out! Ha!)

I've gotten ideas from parties I've attended, an odd man I met at my old job, my original home town, and even my experiences as a retail salesperson. I'm inspired by people I know, people I don't know (but see everywhere around me), and people I'd like to know because I imagine them they might be interesting. A failed recipe, a silly phrase my toddler comes out with, a pretty paperweight--anything and everything will work.

Not all of my ideas pan out. Some just want to be outlined, not written. Some (oh horror) have already been done too many times. Some fade away in a few hours, but some stick and flow from my fingers effortlessly.

I didn't used to get ideas this quickly, but finishing your first novel changes the way you think. Suddenly, I see stories everywhere.

I love my job!

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